
It's the End of the World As We Know It Part II

...And I feel fine.

“So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking Him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8)

Speculating about prophecy and end times can seem very spiritual. But it can also be a distraction from focusing our ministry resources, conferences, personal time, money, etc. on obeying what God wants us, as His people, to do on this planet.

As I mentioned in my last post, I sometimes get the impression that much of the Christian youth movement in America seems to associate the power of the Holy Spirit with helping us attain "secret knowledge" or "spiritual insights" about the end times, rather than being given to Christ's followers to advance His purposes for the planet.

Distraction from our mission as God’s people in the name of "spirituality" has been commonplace throughout history. In the early church, there were several groups collectively known as the Gnostics. They considered themselves very “spiritual”. At first it seemed the Gnostics might fit in nicely with this new movement of Christ followers who spoke of spiritual things and said they followed a man who was actually God and now was risen from the dead and in heaven, leading them. The Gnostics often had visions and claimed to possess secret knowledge given to them through angels. They would fast and attempt to force legalistic rules on other young Christians, with the lure that those who would practice their suggestions for bodily discipline would attain great spiritual insight. They would practice rituals in secret communities. They subtly held on to the belief that the world was bad, and the spiritual realm was good. So, to be spiritual, you tried to ignore the world around you and go after truly spiritual things. The Gnostics were a tricky group to contend with, because they seemed really disciplined. They took the Christian teachings of self-sacrifice, visions/supernatural leading from the Holy Spirit, fasting, etc. and twisted them into a tainted, out of balance view of the world and God’s kingdom.

I think Paul was referring to some of the Gnostic-influenced teachers as dangerous to the church when he addressed the Colossians:

“Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things… These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desire.” (Colossians 2:18,23)

A lot of Gnostics claimed to follow Jesus. But many of them started denying the actual physical deity of Jesus, and that he was a physical being. That may sound kind of pointless to many of us to sit around and debate today, but at the time it was a really big deal. At issue was a belief that our bodies and everything in the natural world is “bad” or “lesser in value” and only the “spiritual, invisible” world should be sought after. Therefore, it was believed that surely a divine being (Jesus) couldn’t have actually been mortal flesh.

I’m not trying to point fingers at anyone and say they are influenced by “Gnostic” thinking. But I do want to point out that there is a tendency in our human nature to get out of balance or out of focus with the things Jesus said were important.

“Go make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything I’ve commanded you.”

Do we value obedience to Jesus’ Great Commission as our highest goal?

Do we value the sending out of apostolic teams to go preach the gospel and start new communities of believers (churches)?

Or is the bulk of our thought and energy spent trying to discern things that – perhaps - are “not for us to know?”

I’m asking weighted questions, more than I’m trying to give a definitive answer. But you may be able to figure out what I'm thinking.

“Yes. I think much of the Christian youth movement today in America almost completely misses out on a primary aspect of the historic Christian faith – preaching the gospel and making disciples among non-Christians with the long term goal of seeing our entire planet full of communities of disciples who follow our risen Lord Jesus.”

I’ve been to major Christian conferences with young leaders standing up on the stage who it’s quite possible have never led a person to Christ. From their stories, it seems they have never walked a non-believer through the scriptures and into a growing, maturing walk with Jesus. I don’t want to condemn or criticize anyone or any ministry. As individuals and as varying ministry streams, we all have different particular strengths as well as (mis?)understandings about non-essentials about God, the Bible (and "Life, the Universe, and Everything." as one of my favorite authors put it.)

My point is that whatever new revelations come, whatever new ministries rise in the body of Christ, whatever cataclysmic events come, we must maintain a focus, our obedience, and an optimism that God’s plan is to see every nation (people group) on earth discipled and come under his authority as they learn to obey Jesus’ commands.

I think Jesus is telling His disciples: “It’s finished. The kingdom of God has come. I'm sending you power. It will help you spread this message everywhere until people from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation have become my disciples" -- in their city (Jerusalem), in other cultural groups (Samaria), and everywhere else on this planet that people were scattered after the tower of Babel incident caused people to wander to the ends of the earth in their distinctive linguistic and, I would assume, rapidly evolving cultural distinctives. The Jews, the Samaritans, the Chinese, the Tajik people, the Native Americans, the Mayan peoples, Kurds, the Hutus and the Tutsis, white pagan kids from the urban centers of Europe… you get the point.

When you look at the world through this lens, it seems like we have a lot of work to do before any "end" comes. It’s a task so big, I need to teach my children to teach their children that this global vision of the kingdom of God coming to every cultural, linguistic, and ethnic group on earth is worth giving our lives, prayers, and careers to. We need to tell young people everywhere to start preparing to go into politics, go overseas, train to become doctors and research scientists, study to become professors a generation from now who will shape the minds of young leaders.

We’ve got a planet full of problems, full of people, full of needs. Jesus has given us power to be his witness and sent us into the world to make disciples of every nation. Despite what changes may come, we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken, a promise of eternal life ahead of us, and a mission on this planet that is worth living and dying for.


It's the End of the World As We Know It Part I

The End Times

*This is not meant to be an in depth review of eschatology, just some thoughts as I pray for God to move on college campuses and across the nations.

“So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking Him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8)

So, when’s it all gonna end? When is Jesus coming back? Are we entering the “end times tribulation?”

There’s been an eschatological fervor lately unlike anything I’ve seen since I was a small child, watching Thief in the Night movies that scared me and all my young friends or listening to hushed conversations among our parents about the book, “88 Reasons why Jesus will come back in 1988.”

I don’t know why, but I remember sitting in the back row of a church gathering, listening to sermons on the rapture thinking, “Man, I hope Jesus doesn’t come back too soon. It sure seems like there are a lot of people in the world who still need to know about Him.” I’ve had about 25 years since that day to do something about this desire to lead people into following Him. Only God knows how faithful I’ve been.

I’m not an expert on the book of Revelation. I’m not a prophet any more than the next average Christian person. God may be speaking things to the prophets about cataclysmic world events happening. But I do think the whole eschatological fervor is in desperate need of some balance, perspective, and refocus. I watched and experienced firsthand a generation of young people (I was born in 1975) receive the seeds of bad eschatology that never matured into lasting spiritual fruit. I want young people today to have their eyes focused more on what God is doing in the world today than on speculations about the end times.

Jesus suggests in Acts 1, there are some things that are “not for you to know. And I’ve got something else I want you focused on, and here it is: You’ll receive power and start witnessing about me everywhere, here and as you go to other nations.” In the verses quoted above, in Acts 1, the disciples are asking Jesus about the future. Were they referring exactly to “the end times”? I don’t know. But they were asking about the future and how all these crazy prophetic events Jesus had spoken about to them over the previous three years of his time with them were going to play out. Jesus’ response is important. If you’ll give me a bit of liberty, here’s how I paraphrase His words to apply today: “Don’t worry about future events like that – God the Father knows those dates. If you get too focused on when, what, and how the Father is going to do things in the end times, you’ll get off focus. Here’s what you need to remember: I’m going to give you power from the Holy Spirit. When I do, it’s going to empower you to focus on what I am doing in the world: making disciples of every nation on earth, teaching them to observe everything I’ve commanded you.”

When Jesus says, “You’ll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” he points out that the purpose of that power is to tell people about him all over the planet.
Sometimes today, I get the subtle impression that a lot of young people in charismatic streams (of which I am a part) think the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to give secret knowledge about the end times. “

Throughout history, great men and women of God in great revivals, reformations, and spiritual awakenings have totally missed it when trying to predict the end times. Martin Luther thought the pope was the antichrist and Jesus was going to return in his lifetime.
The great evangelist and leader Charles Spurgeon, in response to end-times predictions wisely remarked one day, “I am not sure I am called to spend my time in such researches. I am rather called to minister the gospel than to open prophecy.”

The world economic system may collapse. It is extremely likely, I would say inevitable, that America as we know it may change significantly. But it is ethnocentric and arrogant to start making end-times predictions because our extremely wealthy nation may be starting to experience the fruit of greed, materialism, and unwise decisions.

Can you imagine living in Germany or Poland or another Eastern European state in 1940, as the Nazi Party was starting to take over Europe and preach a message of global domination? How would you have interpreted “end-times” predictions then? How would we have predicted the “end times” if we lived in Spain at the height of the Inquisition in the Dark Ages, as preaching the gospel outside of Catholic churches was outlawed, and martyrs were persecuted and burned at the stake for standing up for their Christian beliefs? If you were a group of Christian believers in Northern Africa after the 8th century as Islam was rising fast and forcing conversions and martyrdoms, how would you view “end-times?” If you were a family of Christians about to face the lions of the Coliseum in the 2nd Century Rome, how would you have viewed the “end times”?

It’s easy to start viewing the scriptures through the lens of our culture and current events, rather than through the lens of scripture, history, and understanding the perspective of other cultures outside America - the “disneyland of the universe” as John Piper has called it.

I’m not saying things are “la te da” easy and no trouble is ahead. What I am saying is that it’s unwise and shortsighted to focus on end times at the expense of losing sight of our main objective – preach the gospel (to non-Christians) and make disciples of all ethnic groups, here in America and around the planet. Despite what changes may come, we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken, a promise of eternal life ahead of us, and a mission on this planet that is worth living and dying for.



Building Bridges; Untying Knots

Sometimes everyday events in our lives have prophetic significance - divine lessons to be mined when we take a moment to step back and ponder.

Today I built a bridge with a Native American friend, John* (not his real name). Literally, we built a bridge.

There is a creek running behind our house, with woods on the other side promising endless hours of hiking and tree house building for our children. We'd been meaning to build a bridge across it for some time, and I finally got around to it today with the help of my Native friend.
But there was another bridge being built besides the bridge made of pressure treated lumber and galvanized screws.

I first met John at a simple church gathering in a residence hall at Haskell Indian Nations University. He was very likeable and I was struck by his intelligence and outgoing personality. As the weeks went on, John, opened up about God more, but he often took an extremely cynical, argumentative posture against Jesus and the Bible. I now only attend periodically, since students lead the group, but one day I was told he even set an inappropriate "gentlemen's" magazine next to the snacks at the group. The student I mentor asked me for advice, "What should I do!?" I was convinced he was testing whether the other students who had made commitments to follow Jesus would still love him after these types of displays. Though his charades were sometimes distracting, I really liked him and thought often that he'd make a great leader for Jesus.

Earlier this week, John came over to my house with a couple other guys from the group. As we walked in the woods behind my house, one of the other Haskell students asked John, "Are you ready to get saved yet?"

The following twenty minutes were frustrating and draining. John spoke on and on about his beliefs, his criticisms of the Bible and Christianity, etc. Apologetic responses I thought of only led to a new tangent that seemed to go no where.

That night, I poured out my heart to God. I was frustrated over how difficult it was for John to get saved and how unreceptive he seemed to the gospel.

"Isn't your gospel powerful, Lord?" "Doesn't your Spirit work with us, drawing people to yourself?" "John seems open to the gospel, but when we start talking, it seems like nothing works!"

That night, I decided I would finally build my bridge. I called John and asked him if he would come spend the day helping me. To my surprise, he said he'd be happy to.

The next day, before I picked him up, I went down into my office to pray. My prayer, worship, and reading time moved into praying for others. As I prayed for John, I distinctly remember feeling an impression - Was it God speaking to me? Though I knew nothing of his family background, I had the impression that John's mom had rejected him, and that this was one of the emotional wounds that prevented him from opening up to God.

Later that day...

As the day went on, we measured, sawed, drilled screws, and carried lumber back and forth. We sweat and we laughed. Ethan played in the creek, catching frogs and water bugs. When we finally took a break, we sat on the bridge, looking at the half-built bridge.

The time seemed right. I asked him about his family and about his mom. I'd started to earn his trust. He told me his story.

His dad left him when he was small. His mom raised him, and would tell him about God, but she was an alcoholic. Around the age of seven or eight years old she would get blasted drunk and would yell at John, saying that she never wanted him and still didn't want him around. When he was ten, his mom developed cancer and died. He said he loved his mom and knows she didn't mean it, but I could see where the pains of rejection had made it extremely difficult for him to trust God or anyone getting close to him.

A bridge was being built.

John and I talked a long time and even go to pray together as we sat on that bridge. John didn't accept Christ today, but I believe a bridge is half built.

A key mentor in my life used to say, "Beneath all the reasons people have for not believing in God is often an emotional knot you gotta find and - by the power of the Holy Spirit - begin to untangle."

Please pray for John, that his knot will come untangled and that his bridge to God will be finished soon.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, may you also untie knots and build bridges in others lives. Sometimes it just takes love, time, good conversation, and a work project to tackle together. :)

Building bridges,



I’m sure I’ll get some flack for being cheesy here, but I am changing the name “inductive Bible study” to “funductive Bible studies” in my own personal verbage.

I didn't know that interacting with the Bible could be so easy and fun!

I was inspired by Caleb Lin’s (from UCLA) stories of starting simple churches in fraternities, so I decided to try it.

I built a relationship with the president of a local fraternity. (I walked into the house, introduced myself and started to get to know him. I asked him if there were any leaders in his fraternity who would want to start a spiritual community (simple church) in their house that they led. I would start the initial meetings, then soon back out and help him choose leaders, who I would offer to coach and mentor FOR FREE. J )

On the day I was supposed to go into the fraternity and begin, I battled depression and discouragement all day. (Sorry to burst any bubbles, but that’s usually how I feel before I try anything new with God – afraid and insecure. I’m glad God knows that we are “but dust”! In spite of our fears, He often seems to bless our feeble attempts to step out in faith to make space for others to encounter God.) Anyway, my wife encouraged me, and an hour before the meeting I went downstairs and prayed. That helped build my confidence. Yes, what an earthshaking revelation. Prayer helps you overcome fear and bring the gospel to people!

Finally, I went into the fraternity at 7pm to start the simple church. I met with the president of the house. I wanted him to gather people, not me, so I sat out on the patio and waited as he spread the word around the house that anyone curious about God should come. Seven guys came out and we sat on the porch talking.

I had chosen to lead an inductive study on the 7 Signs of Jesus (see The Blueprint, pg 240 or campuschurch.net for more how-to’s). From the beginning, I didn't want to "wow" them with my charisma or Biblical knowledge (or should I say, “try to wow them” ha ha.). I wanted to give them a simple model for examining the scriptures that every one of them could reproduce themselves.

We read the story from John 2 - Jesus turning water to wine - then discussed four simple questions:

What does this story tell us about the way people are?
What does this story tell us about what people need?
What does this story tell us about the person of Jesus?
How can I apply this to my life?

As we looked at John 2, I was amazed at the insight and revelation these fraternity guys discussed. Maybe the Holy Spirit really can be people's teacher if we give Him space to do so!

Here is a paraphrased version of some of our discussion points:

"Wow, these people were really in a jam. They were probably really worried and stressed out. I guess the thing to learn is that maybe Jesus can help us when we're stressed out. That’s cool to think that Jesus actually stands ready to help with the problems I have."

"I've never read the Bible before, so I'm not sure if this is right, but it seems to me like the Master of Ceremonies really screwed up. But Jesus didn't take the credit or embarrass the MC. He had the servants report to the MC and give him the wine first. That's interesting to me to think that maybe God doesn't want to embarrass me."

"It seems like Jesus' mom believed He could do something to help, so she told Him about the problem. It seems to me like Jesus responds more when we believe in His power first and ask Him to help."

"Jesus is really dependable when we have problems."

"Jesus wasn't just a normal person. He had miracle powers."

"Jesus liked to be where people were - at the party."

I am humbled at how powerfully God moves when we bring His word to where people live and let His word speak!

In the middle of the meeting, one of the guys was so excited about what was happening, he spoke up and said, “Guys, I don’t know why I’m saying this, but I suddenly have this feeling that this is going to be the smallest meeting we’re going to have all year. This things’ going to explode.”

I am now working with this fraternity to coach them and choose leaders to lead their own simple church meetings in their fraternity. I challenged the students at this first meeting to believe to reach every student in their fraternity and believe to see fraternity churches spread to every house on campus (ok, I’m praying they will spread all over America, too. Hey, it’s a lot easier to hit the ceiling if you shoot for the stars, right?)

Let’s keep praying through our fears and insecurities to bring the gospel to unexpected places!

Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring some of these guys out to Las Vegas for our Student CPx gathering in January.

Go funductive, baby,


Throwing Rocks at Giants

Some of us want to throw rocks. Some have thrown them at the wrong targets. God’s not calling us to throw rocks at glass houses; He’s calling us to throw rocks at giants.

Each generation, a call is given to the young to rise up and be giant slayers. It might start in obscurity out in a field as a 12-year-old shepherd boy watches sheep and contemplates the purpose of his life. It might start in a hidden moment in a prayer room in the middle of the night on a university campus. It may be heard in the back row of a church building as a young girl ponders, “God, can you use my life?”

Don’t be surprised if your brothers don’t understand your inspiration.
Don’t be surprised if the well meaning try to tell you how you should fight. Respect them and honor them – but don’t take their armor. God’s called you to slay giants using only rocks.

Absurd! Risky! Dangerous!
Yes, all of these things.

Rebellious! Defiant! Independent!
God save us from such things.

We have heard something from the heart of God, inspiring us to throw rocks at giants.

Humanism. Lust. Pride. Child-sex trafficking. AIDS. Fake Religion. Materialism. Greed. Ridiculous poverty.
We hear God calling us to throw rocks at Giants.

God is calling forth generations to follow you.
You’re destined to be king. But it starts with throwing rocks at giants.
Are you willing to throw rocks at giants?
Are you willing to go fight when others are content to gather and yell at the giants?

God is calling forth a generation of young people to be the church and to slay giants.
Will we support them?
Will we try to stuff them into our armor and take credit for their feats?
Or will we stand with them like fathers and say, “Go, throw rocks at the giants! Go, for God is with you!”

Are you called to throw rocks?
Are you called to be a giant slayer?
Will you help raise up the giant slayers?


Feeling Like a Tool

I once was assembling some TV trays in my basement. To women, TV trays are one of those mysteriously unpopular items that keep coming back year after year, no matter how you try to prevent them. Kind of like a virus. Everyone wants to kill them, but they keep coming back. To a man, TV trays represent hours of endless ecstasy watching football, eating, AND sitting in a favorite chair -- all at the same time.

Anyway, as I dreamed of the hours of bliss ahead of me, there was a Phillips head screw I needed to screw in. My cordless drill was too big to fit into the tight space. Fortunately, I had a Phillips head screwdriver I could use instead of the drill, but the screwdriver head was too big for the hole.

Every guy knows the thought I had next – “I’ll make it work.” Maybe it’s the same odd, ancient, masculine impulse that compels us to carry every single grocery bag in from the car into the kitchen in one trip, but somehow the thought of going to the garage toolbox for a proper size screwdriver seemed like climbing Mt. Everest. To my great relief, I found the screwdriver would just barely fit the Phillips head screw – I just had to push down really hard for it to grip the grooves. So I started pushing. The screw was turning! I had saved myself a trip to the toolbox in the garage.

To my frustration, I discovered that the deeper the screw got, the harder it was to turn. I pushed the screwdriver harder. The screw was turning slower. Finally, the grooves stripped and there was nothing left to grip the screw.

I was angry with my screwdriver. It had not met my expectations.

The problem, of course, is I was using the wrong tool for a specific job that needed to be done. The screwdriver wasn’t designed to work in that size screw head.

Thus, I had to make the painful trek up my basement stairs and out to the garage toolbox to implement the tedious (and humbling) rescue operation of unscrewing the screw millimeter by millimeter using a pair of pliers. Not something pliers were designed for either. But that’s what happens when tools are used for the wrong job; other tools have to adjust to try to bail them out.

How has God designed you? What makes your heart come alive? I often hear people ask, "What is God's will for my life?"

I have started responding with three questions for them to answer:
"What about the world do you really, really not like?"
"What makes your heart come alive?"
"If you could do anything, knowing that you could not fail, what would it be?"

Looking at the deepest desires of our heart often gives us clues to the specific function God uniquely designed us to do. Think about how viewing things this way reflects on the character of God. Could God actually be SO big that he creates us with the unique ability to dream and create in ways that are deeply fulfilling to us? Can we actually become co-creators with God in His redemptive plan to bring healing to a broken world?

I believe so.

Many people "force" their way into doing a job they are only partially suited for because they think it's their job, or they can't see any other option. The result? Burnout, frustration, and feeling like a tool.

Are you doing what God designed you for?

The world needs more people who aren't just waiting for the mystical will of God to drop in their lap, but rather dare to dream with God and co-create with their Father to see the light of heaven fill the earth.